One of the original Drak Academia books. This one walked so that the others could run. This book was a journey and a crazy ride to where I don't know but I liked it or did I.
On to the review...
When Richard, a poor broke, joins Hampden College in Vermont, he's mesmerized by the Greek professor and his five eccentric students who are not quite what they seem. From religious rituals to dark secrets, from romanticizing death to killing, this book has it all.
The way it is written is beautiful and it has extremely well-described scenes
The characters have depth, everyone is harboring a secret and they are well stretched out and don't feel like caricatures.
The structuring of the book is nicely done and doesn't feel too rushed.
This depicts the romanticism of education and what happens when you take it too far.
While it doesn't feel too rushed, it really feels at times that it has really slowed down and has no progress at all.
While the characters are well-written, they also make some questionable and well... stupid decisions.
It definitely feels like a novel in the sense you this could never take place in real life.
Importance of the Setting
The grim sad Vermont definitely plays a huge role. And it maintains this dark vibe till the very need of the book. This specific setting is very vital to the book which points out the darker side of education and humans.
Important Points / Morals of the Book
The biggest one is Romanticism of Education and it's bad effects.
Poverty and how it plays a role in a student's life.
How people don't release how toxic their friends our till they actually lose their friend.
Incest - I would not like to talk about this
How looking up to a person almost makes them seem perfect while in reality they aren't
Choosing the wrong company can make you end up in trouble
Personal Opinion
I still don't understand and never will if I really liked this or really hated but I do know that I couldn't keep it down and was infuriated with it.
Final Verdict
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ / ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Till the next
Happy Reading!